API Region URLs
  • 31 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • PDF

API Region URLs

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Article summary

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to the Speech Recognition (SR) API services offered by Knovvu. It includes detailed information on base URLs and regional endpoints, ensuring users can efficiently interact with the API from different geographical locations.

Why Regional URLs Matter?

  • 🌍 Each region has a dedicated base URL for improved accessibility and performance.
  • 🚀 Selecting the nearest region reduces latency and enhances response times.
  • 🔤 Available language models may vary by region, so ensure you select a region that supports your application's language needs.

API Base URLs by Region

RegionBase URL

How to Use These URLs?

The URLs listed above serve as the base endpoints for each respective region. To make an API request, replace the {{Address}} placeholder in the endpoint path with one of these base URLs.

Example: Speech Dictation Request for Ohio Region

To perform a speech dictation request using the Ohio region, use the following full endpoint:


📌 For detailed API specifications and request parameters, refer to the Transcription API Documentation.

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