Language Models
  • 31 Jan 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
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Language Models

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Article summary

This documentation provides a comprehensive overview of the language models available in the Speech Recognition (SR) service and how to select the appropriate version for your needs.

Endpoint Details

  • URL: {{Address}}/v1/speech/dictation/models
  • Actor: REST Service Client
  • Goal: Retrieve the list of available language models.
  • Pre-Conditions: None

Example API Response

When querying the available language models, you will receive a response similar to the following:

    "Identifier": {
        "Tenant": "Default",
        "Name": "English",
        "Variant": 4,
        "Version": 1

Understanding Model Versions

The Model Version parameter allows you to select a specific model version for processing your submitted audio.

Using the Latest Model Version

To use the latest version of a model:

  • Set ModelVersion=0
  • Or simply omit the ModelVersion parameter.

📌 Note: Whether you explicitly set ModelVersion=0 or do not include the parameter at all, the system will automatically select the most up-to-date and optimized language model, ensuring you benefit from the latest advancements in recognition accuracy and performance.

Latest Is The Greatest!

By default, you do not need to specify the ModelVersion parameter. The system automatically selects the latest and most advanced version, providing you with the best possible recognition accuracy and performance.

Using a Specific Model Version

If you need to use an older version of a language model:

  1. Retrieve the available versions by making a GET request to the models endpoint.
  2. Use the ModelVersion parameter to specify the desired version when making a transcription request.

📌 Mapping Note:
The Variant field in the model response corresponds to the ModelVersion parameter when making a request.

Versioning Syntax

Variant = ModelVersion

Example Request for a Specific Model Version

curl --location '{{Address}}/v1/speech/dictation/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: audio/wave' \
--header 'ModelName: Turkish' \
--header 'ModelVersion: 4' \
--header 'Tenant: Default' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer Token' \
--data 'audio.wav'

When to Use Model Versions?

  • ✅ When you want to use the latest version, no additional configuration is required.
  • ✅ When you need an earlier version for consistency, specify the desired ModelVersion in your request.

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