Version 1.68
  • 11 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Version 1.68

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Article summary

Release Date: 10.10.2023


1.1. Knovvu VA

  • We are delighted to share the introduction of Arabic language support to our interface! Alongside the translation, we have meticulously adapted our page designs to accommodate right-to-left orientation, ensuring a seamless experience for our valued customers.
  • We have implemented an efficient and customer-centric system designed to provide our clients with daily reports. This system utilizes an API to deliver these reports, ensuring that our customers receive up-to-date and valuable insights on a consistent basis. For more details on how to acquire these reports, please visit:

1.2. Knovvu ML

  • We have introduced the capability to manage inference pods that are imperatively scaled up after the initial training request. This ensures that the performance of the system can be maintained by handling the same inference load as before. This enhancement includes:
    • Retraining: When a previously trained MLP model is requested for retraining with the same model ID, the system now automatically generates the same number of inference pods once the retraining process is successfully completed.
    • Revive: In cases where an inference request is made to a MLP model that was terminated due to a timeout, the system now automatically generates the same number of inference pods after the training process is successfully completed (The training data must be unchanged for this process).


2.1. Knovvu VA

  • In the Intent Overview graph in our dashboard page, in addition to seeing single match and fallback inferences, now you will be able to see multiple match inferences as well. Multiple match refers to the inferences that are ambiguous so that they match with multiple intents.
  • In cases where regex entity is not caught, it will be send to text normalization and thereby we will be able to catch the entity.
  • Our chatbot will be seen with responsive view in mobile, therefore every user will get a right size of the chatbot independent of the mobile phone they use.
  • In the scenario design page, when you click o a node, all the links that come out from that node will be highlighted.Therefore, it will be easier to see which nodes are connected.
  • New prebuilt intents for Turkish, English and Arabic are added or updated for the topics of government, telecom, tourism, and insurance.
  • Utterances can be multiply deleted to make this process faster and easier.
  • UI design improvements are done in the Conversation Details Page left panel.
  • When connected with a Live Agent, while Live Agent is typing a response it will be reflected as dynamic three dots so that the user can understand the LA will respond.


2.1. Knovvu VA

The listed issues below have been fixed.

  • Webchat plugin was not working and chatbot was not being seen.
  • When Live Agent was typing a response to a user and changed the chat to another user, the previous draft response was deleted.
  • Titles in the exported Excel file from Conversations Details page were incorrect.
  • In the dashboard page, when the "Filter" button was clicked a few times, there was an occurance of an error.
  • When a project was being published and it was clicked on the meanwhile, there was an error.
  • In the Conversation Details page, generate summary icon was not added.

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