CA Realtime
  • 19 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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CA Realtime

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Article summary

Integration node for Conversational Analytics (CA) Realtime, also known as Real-Time Guidance (RTG).


AddressAddress of the Conversational Analyticshttp://ca-external-api.sestek-ca
IgnoreSslErrorsIgnore any certificate errors if Conversational Analytics address contains httpsfalse
CredentialIdId of the credential that will be used for Conversational Analytics http calls.None




namedescriptionknown nodes that generate this event
SR MilestoneSpeech Recognition results, used for wildcard phrase checks in word scenarios, LetterPerSecond generation in speed scenarios, and transcript generation.SR Http, SR WebSocket
EmotionAudio Emotion results. The node checks if monotonicity is outside normal ranges depending on the scenario.Emotion
SentimentText Sentiment results. Used in transcript generation on Customer's channel, and negative sentiment scenarios.Sentiment
CallStateUpdateUpdates CA Conversation Status depending on Call State, can be Start, End, On Hold, Continue etc.Entry, External Relay




RTG ScenariosThis event contains the active and filtered scenarios. The scenarios are contained within an array. This event is generated at startup.
RTG StateThis event contains the Conversation State updates. These events are generated when the conversation state changes.
RTG NotificationThis event is generated whenever a notification is triggered, and contains the notification information.
RTG TranscriptThis event occurs whenever a transcript is generated and has sentiment information if it is a customer sentiment.

Remarks :

Requirements :

"StartMessage" requirements

"StartMessage" should contain

  • At least one definition under "CallProperties.UserProperties" except for AgentName. This let's CA determine the agent and corresponding scenarios in this session. Since AgentName cannot be used to determine the agent, we need one of the other unique identifiers.
  • Definitions for ChannelTags. This specifies which channel belongs to the customer and which to the agent.
  • Other fields are optional.
      "ExternalId":"", // string 
        "AgentName":"",     // string
        "DeviceId":"",      //string
        "ExternalId":"",    //string
        "PbxAgentId":""     //string
      "CustomerPhoneNumber": "",    // string 
      "Direction": 1,               // integer 
      "CallerNumber":"",            // string 
      "CalledNumber":"",            // string
      "CallStartTime":""            // ISO 8601 DateTime formatted string
        "a_tag_for_channel_0",                          //string seperated by "," or ";"
        "a_tag_for_channel_1;another_tag_for_channel_1" //string separated by "," or ";"

"StartMessage" example



This node first determines the applicable CA scenarios. Then it processes incoming Data Flow events and sends relevant information to CA servers.

While information is flowing to CA, call related events can be observed in the RTG Moments board.


RTG Dashboard
At the start of session, the node notifies RTG that the determined agent is on a call. Which changes the Conversation Status of the agent in RTG Dashboard.
Upon receiving CallStateUpdate events from the client, or when the call ends, the node informs CA to change the conversation Status accordingly.


CA Realtime node provides transcripts to CA in real time. It also includes customer side sentiment information in the transcripts if available.


Project Structure

The CA Realtime node requires a Channel Switch node. Input from two SR Http nodes, Emotion from the Agent channel, and Sentiment from the Customer channel.


The default project ca-online in Data Flow contains a ready to use CA Realtime node.

Supported flow types: Stream, Batch

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